The Landfill Gas Industry Alliance
GMI is an international public-private initiative that advances cost effective ,near term methane recovery and use as a clean energy source in four sectors,agriculture,municipal solid waste, and oil and gas systems. These projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the near term and provide a number of important environmental and economic co-benefits such as :
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Landfill gas is created in landfills when the organic material decomposes. One of the main components of this gas is carbon dioxide (CO2).

CO2 is a common man-made gas and the major contributor to global warming. The other principle component of landfill gas is methane (CH4), a colorless, odourless and highly explosive gas. Methane has 21 times the global warming capacity of carbon dioxide. One of the major sources or methane released from human activities originates from municipal solid waste landfills.

Responsible waste management requires a long term commitment.
A landfill can generate up to 125 cubic meters (m3) of methane per tonne of waste over a period of 10 to 40 years.

If not properly managed, landfill gas can create any number of environmental, health and odour problems.

For more information on landfill gas go to Municipal Solid Waste and Greenhouse Gases at Environment Canada’s website

What Is Landfill Gas